Steward- Tegan Roberts
Phone- 0435 663 932

With a passion for photography, our show president has taken over the photography section this year. 

This year we have managed to secure an award winning photographer to judge the entries. 

Winner of the 2023 Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the year, Samuel Markham has jumped on board. 

Not only has he jumped on board to help judge the comp, he has generously sponsored an epic prize for the winner of the adult photography section.

We are so lucky to live in one of the most beautiful regions in the world, so grab your cameras and get snappin’ .

To see what categories we have this year, jump on to the “download” tab and have a look at the show schedule. 

V.A.S Photography Competitions

The theme for the 2024/2025 season of photography is 


Click the buttons below to download the VAS information sheets. 

Click the image to be taken to Samuel’s website- you can buy prints as well as register to go on epic photographic adventures.